Friday, May 12, 2017

Why I won't be buying from NZXT going forward

A few weeks ago I posted an entry discussing my disappointment in NZXT and that it had been 20 days since I had opened a support ticket in regards to connecting the X62 Kraken, case fans, and the fan splitter in the H440 case.

I documented that I had encountered previous issues as well, such as the lack of a power supply bracket, owners manual, and inability to mount the Kraken in the manner that I desired.

I stated that the ball was in NZXT's court and pondered if they'd do anything.

Sadly, it took over 45 days and me posting a semi-rant video on YouTube for them to finally respond to my ticket. You can watch the video below:

As you could see, I was disappointed that 45 days had passed without a response to a problem that I solved myself. I bypassed the hub altogether, bought new fans that run quieter, and created a near-silent experience, even while gaming.

More than anything, I wanted an explanation why 45 days was acceptable for any company to respond to a complaint. Then I realized a friend had been waiting since February for a response to his complaint in regards to his X61 cooler. Searching the internet pulled up numerous other complaints of poor service and a multitude of issues across all products.

Now, I'm going to throw a disclaimer out here right now: You almost always only here about the problems with a product. Yes, reviewers will talk about how great a product is and tout how well it's worked for them, and a majority of people will not have any issues at all.

But for those of us who do encounter issues, I think it's pretty important to respond in a fast manner, especially if said person is thinking about potentially purchasing more products from previously mentioned company. 

Unfortunately, NZXT has been having a lot of problems responding in a timely manner. I mean, it took two weeks for them to respond to my power supply bracket issue, and even then, without the thumb screws, the bracket was useless.

Since that video was posted, NZXT did respond to me. They sent me a new hardware kit, a bunch of thumb screws, and one of their Pucks. It's a "meh" kind of response, and while I appreciate the gesture, the original question was never answered. They did take responsibility for their service, but it doesn't make it okay.

It's even more upsetting when you see how fast their social media team can post and retweet pictures of people tagging them in their builds. You can respond to a tweet real fast, but someone who has a failing X61 Kraken can't get a response?

In all honesty, the fact that it took them 90 days on the dot to respond to my friend's issue upsets me even more. Then they respond by asking him to record the sound the pump is making?

It's been 90 days. He's probably lucky it works at all. Do something for him, don't make him go through anything else, especially when it would likely be at least another week minimum before someone from NZXT gets back to him if he did record the pump noise. That's what happened with me and the bracket. Two weeks to respond to my initial ticket, ask for my invoice, then nearly another week before they responded to send the actual bracket out.

Thankfully my friend has a different cooling solution he can go to, he just has to wait a couple of months to retrieve it.

I will not be purchasing from NZXT going forward, not just because of my issues, but because of the issues my friend has faced, as well as everyone else across the internet not getting answers. I will not be purchasing because the CAM software seems to be getting worse. Now changing a lighting effect causes the fan and pump curves I've set to be reset to the silent profile, which is not okay with me.

I will not be purchasing because I can't take the chance on something else going wrong and not being able to get answers in a timely manner. I get that long wait periods for a response might be the norm, but it shouldn't be, and we shouldn't allow it to be okay. If a company isn't going to step up after you've spent your hard-earned money on their products, then they don't deserve your business in the future.

This means that in the future, I'm going to be looking at purchasing the Phanteks Enthoo Evolv ATX TG case, probably in black. I will be looking at upgrading my cooling to a custom water loop, probably from EKWB.

I'll be recording a video version of this at some point this weekend, mostly to demonstrate the CAM issues that have suddenly popped up and to show the discussion I've had in regards to NZXT's support problems.

I'll keep the H440 and X62 Kraken in case I decide to build a second system, but they will not get use in my primary system once I'm able to make the purchases for the case and water cooling supplies. It may be a while, as the case is nearly $200 and a custom loop is likely going to cost me $400-500, but I believe it will be well-worth it in the long run.

I'm sorry it didn't work out NZXT. Maybe you'll make changes to your service and how fast you help people, especially when they've waited 3 months for a response on a fairly serious issue. Maybe you'll stop trying to add impractical features to CAM and fix the core problems that have existed for a while now (hardware not being recognized, settings disappearing).

I doubt you will though. I'm only one person. However, I'm probably not the only one whose business you've lost.

How much does that matter to you?


And now a word from Kylie:


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