Friday, November 18, 2011

it's opinion, not fact

Before going further, please read this.

Now that you've digested that tidbit of information, we can move on.

I'll admit, I can be opinionated.  If I disagree, I'll be the first to jump in and say why I don't agree.  I'll defend my position as much as I feel needed, although I usually try to avoid insulting the person I'm debating with.

That said, I've never confused opinion with fact.  Just because I think T-Mobile is the best cell phone company out there doesn't mean they are.  My friend Lennie could argue that Sprint is (although I doubt he would).  Others would chime in that Verizon or AT&T are better.  Some might even say they all stink and to go with Revol.

I could think a lot of things, but that wouldn't make them fact.  Unfortunately, a lot of what I read anymore tells me that how I think is in the minority.  There are far more people out there who consider what they think to be an actual fact.  They will argue until they are blue in the face even just to show you how "wrong" you are.

I call these people fanatics.

We see them everywhere.  It could be a sports fan, a video game fan, a movie fan, a music fan, and so forth.  It could be the person who thinks that there isn't a store better than Walmart.  It could be the person who thinks that DirecTV is the only way to go to watch TV.

It can become nauseating how far people will go to push how they think and diminish what you think.  It seems to be the worst when it comes to sports and video games.

Just go through and read the comments on any of the local sports teams.  I can promise you that right now, most know what the Indians, Browns, Buckeyes, or Cavs should do and if they don't, management is a bunch of bungling idiots who should all be fired.  They are the ones who call the coaches stupid, who say the players suck, who say the owners are the worst in all of sports.

Granted, the Browns comments are particularly nasty right now, and understandably so.  The team hasn't played well most of the year and people are impatient around here.  They forget it sometimes takes a while to get the talent level built up and that we have a rookie head coach.  No one wants to hear the be patient card though.  They want a winner now.  I get that.

Video game fanatics, aka fanboys, are worse though.  To them, the PS3, Xbox 360, WII, DS, PSP, Gamecube, PS2, PS1, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Atari 2600 is the best system ever and if you don't own it then you are the dumbest person alive and you shouldn't be allowed to play games or shop at the supermarket because you'd buy poison you're so stooopid!

I'm not exaggerating.  I wish I was.  There was recently a discussion about which game was better, Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3.  Within 3 comments, the war of words had already started.  "Battlefield is the BEST/WORST game ever!" "MW3 rocks/sucks!" "If you like Battlefield, you deserve to be shot."

The best are the ones that say they've never played the game, but they know it's bad because of the company that made it.  Or they'll never play the other game because the one they have is automatically better just because.

More recently I've been reading about people complaining about T-Mobile.  Look, if you don't like them, then switch.  They didn't put a gun to your head and say they're the only cell phone company around, so you have no choice.  And personally, I've never had a problem with them.  Granted, I pay my bill on time and don't call them screaming when I do have a problem, but even so most experiences have been good with them.

The thing that kills me is the people who don't have them anymore who still go on their Facebook page and tell everyone else to switch because they suck.  Why are you on here if you don't have them/like them?  Your opinion of them "being the worst phone company ever" doesn't mean they are.  It just means you had some bad experiences, probably related to your overall attitude problem, and you were best off just switching companies.

Another thing?  People who don't like certain tv shows or radio programs.  Don't like it?  Don't watch/listen.  Solves that problem quite nicely.

I know this comes across as whiney, but I do get tired of people acting like their opinion is the end-all and no one else's matters.

In the end, I don't care if you agree or disagree with me as long as you respect where I'm coming from.

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