Sunday, December 4, 2011

she's a comedian

It's a good thing I have a decent sense of humor.

A little while back, I asked Rachel to provide me with a Christmas list.  Not so much because I had no clue what to get her, but just to get a feel for what she wanted or maybe find something that I hadn't thought about.  She of course hesitated because like me, she doesn't like asking for things and when she has to think about it, she draws a blank.

Well, last night she finally provided me with not one, not two, but three separate lists.  I'm going to put them up here and you can try to decide what she was serious about and what she was being funny about.  Well, you'll know because I'll be telling you why she put certain items on the list.

This is sort of a prequel to my annual Christmas list, which still hasn't been completely finalized, but I expect to be up sometime in the near future.

Probably after the new year.

Rachel's Christmas List

1. New laptop - this was directly in response to me talking about wanting a laptop.
2. Work pants - a legitimate need since the animals are trying to rip her current pants apart.
3. Ring - I consider it a legitimate item.
4. Necklace - see #3.
5. Chipotle - those who know are aware of our obsession with Chipotle.  I consider this legitimate.
6. Blow dryer - this was result of us having to run to CVS because we needed a new blow dryer to finish the plastic on the windows.
7. Crayons - we had just finished breaking a bunch of crayons for my niece's crayon maker.
8. Coloring books - the perfect compliment to crayons!
9. Jeep Grand Cherokee
10. Jeep Wrangler - you know, she'll take one or the other if I can't afford both.
11. "Your" graphics card - referring to my graphics card that my mom wanted after my computer crashed and burned.
12. 80" LED TV - a direct mock of the commercials we've been seeing.
13. Blu-ray player - because I asked for one.
14. Jeans 3-5 - legitimate.  I think.
15. Socks - this one threw me off the trail.
16. Shirts sm-md - another legit one. I think again.
17. Anti-Pook screen - if you've dealt with my cat Pook, you'll understand this one.
18. Tape - because she ran out of tape after wrapping most of the presents.
19. Glue - this one also threw me off the trail.
20. Flying reindeer - she just, you know, wanted one.
21. The clapper - she thought of this when I got up to shut the light off.
22. Printer ink - this one is probably legit.
23. Watch - she's been looking for one for a while now.
24. Safety scissors - after the incident with Payton's hair, we can't have enough of these.
25. Heating blanket - after all, she is ALWAYS cold.
26. Peyton Hillis - she likes his arms.
27. Travis Hafner - and his too
28. Easy feet - it's like a carwash for your feet!
29. Forever lazy - gotta love pajamas that come with a hatch in the back.  I admit, they look fricking awesome.

That's what we have so far.  I wouldn't be surprised if she adds more, but I think this gives you a good idea of how amazing her sense of humor is.  I love this woman and can't wait to see how she reacts to what I do end up getting her.

I'm exceptionally curious to see what she got me.

Maybe I won't get a lump of coal this year.

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