Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have been a horrible blogger this year.

I came into the new year with the idea that I would blog more this year.  Then I decided once Rachel, Payton, and I were living together, I'd start blogging more.  Then I decided once everything was settled in the new apartment I'd start blogging more.

Yeah, see what happened was, I didn't.

Yes, things have been busy.  We had to decide where we were going to leave.  Then we decided to get a puppy and name her Shenzie.  That took time as we had to get her to stop peeing and pooping in the apartment (which has become infinitely easier now that we're on ground floor).

In short, it's been kind of hectic, but not too terribly bad either.

If I wanted to cover everything that's gone on since January, it would take several posts.

I would like to cover it all and get into a regular writing routine (complete with themes for different days like I originally wanted to do), but I'm not going to promise anything.  Yes, Rachel has a laptop that I can use, but I don't like sitting on it and using it a lot since it's not mine, and lord knows when I start writing, I can get carried away in a hurry sometimes.

I've had a couple ideas for blogs too recently, so I would like to put those thoughts into words.  One was going to be about LeBron James (I know, but I wanted to try to put it all into perspective and not just bash the guy again), another about how animals can bring both joy and heartbreak, and a few other ideas that have popped in my head.

There are of course things to talk about with the sports teams.  The Browns just drafted 11 guys and a few are going to be expected to make immediate impacts.  The Cavs just finished a difficult, but easier to watch season with Kyrie Irving leading the way (and winning rookie of the year; the way he handled himself this year itself is an entry itself), and the Indians again competing for the division with a good start to the season.

I could write about Minecraft, which I just got into and am admittedly addicted to.  It's like playing SimCity and Zelda at the same time.  That and watching the Rooster Teeth guys make a hysterical video about it shows how incredible this game can be.


The video shows what happens when four guys who have never played the game try to take on a guy who has played it and knows what he's doing.  In the end, the house the four of them built gets burned down after Gavin decides he's heard enough of their trash talk, gathers some lava, and dumps it on their house while they're not looking.

**End Intermission**

The thing that's scary about Minecraft is I haven't really done much in it, yet I've played for several hours now.  In fact, it took forever for me to build my shelter because I kept changing how I wanted it to look, plus it took a minute for me to figure out what to build it with.

Yes, I know.  I should be able to figure it out quickly.

But I don't play games a lot anymore, so when I do play, I don't typically have a ton of time to figure things out.  I play by the seat of my pants so to speak, which means I died a few times because I didn't understand how the monster system worked, or how to sleep through the night to avoid getting massacred.  In fact, it took a while for me to figure out how to make a bed in the first place.

Now I'm fairly deep into the crafting system and have dug a substantial tunnel under my shelter.  I intend to keep on digging down until I can't anymore, hit a dungeon, or die.

All in all, things have come together pretty well.  Shenzie is now like a normal dog, not completely timid and unsure of what's going on.  We did attempt to rescue a puppy that was born unexpectedly at Rachel's work, but sadly, the pups we took did not make it, nor did the other two that were born the same day.

Rachel has been much happier since switching to a new job where the stress level is nothing like the previous job.  My mom is much happier since she removed the leech from her home.

As I said, I do want to write more when I get the chance.  There are always things going on to talk about and I've always been less stressed (not that I am now mind you) when I'm consistently writing about the things going on through my head.

It's just a matter of writing them out.

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