Friday, January 27, 2012

Median=1.5, Dave=0

I was originally going to make today the first "Flashback Friday."

Actually, yesterday was going to be a "Thirsty Thursday" entry, but it was busy and I didn't get the chance.

Then today, I decided to introduce the front-end of my car to the median on route 2 coming into work, thus rendering myself without a vehicle until I determine whether it's worth fixing or if I'm going to be in the market for a new vehicle.

Yes, it was a bad morning.

Luckily, I was able to walk away with just a bruised knee, drive it to work, and not be late, so in those regards, I'm considerably lucky.  Chalk it up to a little luck, wearing my seat belt, and not panicking when something bad is iminent.

Would I have liked to have missed the barrier?  Yes.  Would I have preferred that the side of the vehicle hit?  Absolutely.

That said, none of that is what happened and now I have to move forward as quickly as possible.  Granted, my preferred person to check on the vehicle is out of town until February 5th, so it may be a bit before I know exactly what can be done, if anything.  At this point, I'm expecting the worst since that's typically what happens in situations like this.

*deep breath*

I'm lucky.  I know that.  Yes, the damage looks bad, but given that I was relatively uninjured, it could've been a lot worse.  I could've hurt myself badly or even worse, I could've hit someone else and hurt them seriously as well.

It's funny, not in a haha kind of way mind you, how life will humble you just when you start to think things are lining up for you.  I racked up over 9 hours of overtime this pay period, which was expected to help start saving towards the future with Rachel or at the least something for Valentine's Day.  We had been talking extensively about where we are going to move after my lease is up.  In short, the future looked very bright.

It still does, but there is this new situation to deal with.  Sure, Rachel and I can share her Jeep to get around, but it will inconvenience her and I don't want to become a burden because of what happened with my car.

I admit, I'm used to things like this happening just when it seems like things are on the uptick.  My life has been full of these moments.  My family has experienced moments like this repeatedly.  When my mom was in North Carolina, she was hit by another car and had her van totalled out.  It took a minor miracle to get a new vehicle, but she was able to pull it off.

These things happen.  You don't always understand the purpose or think it's fair, but to me, the best people are the ones who fight through the adversity and move forward.  I'm upset that it happened, but in the long run, I'll survive.  I'll find a way.  I'm not in this alone because I have an amazing girlfriend, but she can't just fix this for me either.  I have to deal with it, find a solution that works best, and move forward.

For now, I'm lucky to be able to say I walked away with just a bit of a bruised knee.

In the long run, I'll be just fine.

I know it.

1 comment:

BeagleNut said...

I'm sorry about your accident Dave but I am so glad you are okay - times like this can be so scary. I know what you mean about being on an uptick and then something knocks you back down - Hubby is losing his job in a week, bummed, but what can you do? We got through it once and we will get through it again, life goes on. Good luck with your vehicle, Peg :)