Friday, December 21, 2012

What's ahead

As we approach the new year, that's usually a good time to evaluate life situations and projects that are going on.

For me, it's pretty simple.  We have a child on the way, so much of my energy is going to go towards preparing for that child and the challenge that it will bring.  In terms of my online activities, it'll still be simple.

This blog will remain largely unchanged.  I've used it mostly to provide picks for the NFL season (and will continue to do so until the season ends), but occasionally I've sprinkled in other topics as well.  I have a few ideas floating around in my head that I want to write about, but haven't exactly found a good way to convey those various ideas.

Yes, one of them involves the shooting of elementary kids.

I've tried to think of ways to present my ideas, whether it be in this blog or whether it be something I've put up via my YouTube channel, which has been a small endeavor to this point.  Most of the content revolves around Payton, our animals, and my gameplay videos of Minecraft, which has become a favorite hobby of mine.

Yes, I have a channel on YouTube.  I don't upload a ton, but I have a decent number of videos up for viewing.  The gameplay stuff is still in its infancy, but I've enjoyed it thus far and hope to expand the scope of it to include my console games, not just PC.  That said, the tool required to record console gaming isn't terribly expensive, but isn't a priority right now, as is purchasing a better microphone.

As of right now, I don't have any intention of doing a Christmas list like I've done in years past.  Simply put, I don't know that I can come up with anything more elaborate than the things I've posted over the last several years and don't want to cheapen the entry by trying to get too cute with it.  That thought could change of course, but seeing as it's the 21st, I don't see myself creating time before Christmas.  The same could be said about my New Year's Resolution post that I typically do.

In short, the first few months of the new year are going to be hectic and filled with a lot of tasks as we prepare to bring a new life into this world.  There are things to plan for, things to buy, and I don't want to spend a ton of time on wasted energy and projects.  It's partially why I've kept my gaming time to a minimum.  I'm not 18 anymore.

In the meantime, thank goodness the world hasn't ended like so many were worried it was going to, so I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.

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