Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It might kill me...

But I'm going to do it anyway.

Before I divulge the details of what I'm going to embark on next month, let me start by saying that I know it's been a while since I've written.  Things have been busy and aren't going to slow down in the next few months.  I've been working out several times a week, doing things with Rachel on the weekend, and keeping busy other times with various things.

Yesterday began an 8 week fitness class, which should help me prepare for what I'm going to do.  It was quite the contrast from what I'd normally do in a workout, but it's also what I need to do.  I can run with no issue and lift moderately heavy weights with no issue, but flexibility and overall fitness was something I was concerned with.

After yesterday, I'm convinced that in 8 weeks, I'll be in the best shape of my life.  On the days I don't go to the class, I intend to continue with my regular workouts in my attempt to get stronger, as well as continue to run regularly.

What is getting me to do this?  One, Rachel just finished the class and raved about it, even as she talked about how she was dying afterwards.  Two, I tend to watch a lot of videos on youtube by a guy named Paul (www.youtube.com/paulsoaresjr) who primarily plays Minecraft and records his various adventures in the game.  During one of his more recent videos, he talked about the Tough Mudder that he participated in.  For those who don't know, click on the link. In essence, it's a 10-12 mile run/obstacle course that isn't for the faint of heart.

No, I'm not doing that.

But after talking to Rachel about it, she brought the Warrior Dash, a similar event, just not quite as long. The obstacles are just as daunting however and while looking at it, decided it was something I wanted to attempt before taking on the Tough Mudder, possibly next year.  At the time, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to register though because slots were filling up quickly and extra money hasn't exactly been laying around.

That said, as of today, I'm registered for the event on August 26th at 12:30pm.  I already know one other person who's going to be participating and there's the possibility that Rachel will sign up as well, although she isn't sure as of this writing.

That's right, I'm going to be running in the Warrior Dash.  That's not all though.  I don't have a lot of details yet, but I'm going to be raising money for St. Judes as well.  The initial goal is to raise $250.  How it all works, I'm not sure yet.  I have to wait to hear from a representative about that.  Once I do I'll have more information up in here as well as on my facebook page.

I figured I wasn't going to be able to donate much, so I'll do this instead and see if people want to help in that manner.  $250 is a small amount, but it's a good cause and if I get lucky, I might even be able to raise a little more than that.

At this point, I'm not going to worry about where I finish.  I just want to be able to say I finished the event and by the end of next summer, say I finished the Tough Mudder as well.

The next few months are going to be hectic.  I can't promise a lot of writing even though I've had a ton of ideas, so there might be moments where a bunch of posts go up at once with a lot of dead time in between.

Look for some sports posts, memory posts, and a couple of really random posts as well in the next few weeks, especially as I get closer to my death, er, dash.

Sites referenced:

Paul's Youtube page
Warrior Dash
Tough Mudder

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