Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving is tomorrow.

I know, it seems like it was just Halloween, and prior to that, seemed like it was just summer.

Time has this funny way of flying faster and faster as you get older, something I've learned over the last several years.  Before I know it, Christmas will be here and then it will be 2013.

I know I occasionally run special blog posts during the holidays, and this year isn't going to be any different.  The length of the posts may not be the same as in the past though.  Time has been a tough commodity to come by at times and I've had limited moments in which to write in.

I'm thankful though.

I'm thankful for the job I have and the people I work with on a regular basis.  It hasn't always been easy to get this pharmacy up and running, but after two-plus years and tremendous growth over the last year, I think we've done a good job at getting it together here.

I'm thankful that I have a roof over my head, reliable transportation (one way or another), and a rambunctious group of cats that keeps me entertained at almost all hours.

I'm thankful that our dog, while still easily riled up, has improved with the potty training and how she is in public.  It's been something else to see how much she's changed since we adopted her earlier this year.

I'm thankful that my mom and sister are doing relatively well, even though my mom seems to think it's fun to constantly hurt herself in various ways.  I think she just likes wearing a splint for the sympathy it garners her.

I'm thankful that I'm rarely bored with my life at this point.  Between work, the functional fitness class I do three times a week, and the various things going on during the weekend, I'm rarely bored at home.

I'm thankful that I've made it this far with only relatively minor speed bumps and haven't fallen into the situations that so many people seem to find themselves in, whether it be drugs, insane debt, and trust issues.

I'm thankful for the family members who understood where I stood when my dad passed away earlier this year.

I'm thankful that I don't need to spend 6 hours a day, every day, playing a video game to feel like I'm living life.

I'm thankful that I don't need 15 medications a day to get by, that I don't have any serious medical disorders.

Most importantly, I'm thankful for Rachel, Payton, and our future minion that is growing day by day.  The world is still not prepared for what's about to be unleashed.

In all seriousness, I can't complain too much about life.  There are some things that always pop up, but it's nothing so terrible as to bring me down.

I'm not going to be one of those nuts going out for Black Friday, I promise you that much.  While some of the deals I've seen are nice, I'm not fighting the masses over a tv, PS3, or anything else for that matter.  If I want something, I'll buy it at a later date, preferrably after the holidays when things go on sale as well.

Yes, you're all nuts for going out in the madness on Friday, and in some cases, Thursday night.  The event has become so much of a spectacle anymore that it's laughable to me at this stage.  People literally trample other people to get to these "super" deals and to me, getting up at 3am or whenever it is you're lining up outside of retailer's doors is ridiculous and unnecessary, especially the day after you're supposed to give thanks for what you have.

In any case, I hope everyone has a safe holiday and I leave you with this question:

What are you thankful for?

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