Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Let's talk 2016

Let's be really honest.

2015 was not a good year.

Yes, there were good moments (virtually anything involving Kylie and getting a modest raise at work among the highlights), but it was a turbulent year filled with a lot of ups and downs, including the ending of a long relationship that nearly crashed and burned in the process.

I don't want turbulent anymore. I want better.

I want calm.

I know that's a pipe dream. Life in itself isn't calm. Things happen that you have NO control over, and those things can take a calm life and turn it upside down. 

There are things that could happen. Someone could get injured or pass away. My car could break down. There are a litany of unknown things that could happen to completely upset the calm that I look to achieve.

I accept that because that's life. However, I will do my damndest to avoid it happening to me.

I want 2016 to be great. I want it to be successful. I want the best for everyone and things to break my way a few times. I want to better take advantage of whatever opportunities come my way (and believe me, fewer come your way as you get older).

But mostly, I just want the year to be great for Kylie.

I've been stressing this for months now and it continues to hold true. I want happiness for Kylie, whether if she's with me or with her mother. I see far too many parents bicker over what's best for their kid after they've gone their separate ways and that's just not good for the kid.

When she's with me, she's number one. Even if she's not with me during the week, she's still number one. This is something ALL will be expected to understand. If you can't, then get the fudge out and don't let the door hit you.

Seriously though, it's not about what I want. It's about what's best for that child. If it means missing some time with her so she can do something fun with her mom, then there shouldn't be an issue with it. Too many parents are unwilling to swallow their pride and work together to ensure their kid is happy. They want to be in control and determine what happens.

So I want her to have a great year no matter where she's at.

Ultimately, this year needs to be a year when I take a new step forward. One way or another, my life needs to be better when 2016 closes out. 

It means being a better person overall.

No, it does mean the snark is going away. Snarkiness will always be a part of who I am, but picking and choosing when to be snarky needs to improve.

It means putting 100% behind what I'm doing, not 75% and hoping no one notices the slacking I did on the other 25%.

It means branching out and trying new things.

It means fixing what I can fix and not stressing about the things I can't fix.

In my head, there are several things I'd like to be better with and the hope is that putting these ideas into writing will help keep me on track. 

Here are some things I'd like to accomplish in 2016:

  • Get back into running and working out on a regular basis.
  • Be a better coworker
  • Be a better/more consistent friend
  • Make the most of the time I get with Kylie
  • Get back into my YouTube/Twitch hobby and improve with it
  • Build/buy a new, more powerful PC
  • Make as many new connections as possible and maintain those connections
  • Start putting money aside in the hopes of getting a house in the future
  • Win the lottery
  • Take care of everyone close to me after winning the lottery
  • Fix my damn teeth
  • Enjoy where life takes me
I know the chances of winning the lottery are insanely slim, but I have so many ideas of what I'd do if I did win it's not funny. I'd obviously take care of those closest to me, but I'd also build a house, buy a new car (or two), set up the gaming/recording room of my dreams, do the YouTube/Twitch thing full-time, take Kylie to a bunch of places, and just live life freely.

No, it's not going to happen, but I can dream, right?

Most everything else though can be achieved with a little hard work and dedication, and that's something I'm capable of doing when I'm not being a complete lazy butt.

Seriously though, I want this year to be great.

You'll note I didn't include anything about dating in this. While I believe the possibility of dating is there, it's not something I'm expecting as I will be spending almost half the year nearly completely focused on work and Kylie, so time will not be on my side for most anything else that isn't necessary.

While it would be nice to be with someone who supports me and all that fun stuff, it's not something that's required for me to be happy. It would just be a nice bonus if it were to happen. I'm not going to be the type that requires a relationship to be happy with myself. If it happens, it's because that person adds that much more to my life.

There's some excitement, but also uncertainty with this year. I don't know where I'm going to be come July, but I will be somewhere in the general area. I do know my weekends will be strictly Kylie time, and even some of my time during the week.

The idea is to make the most of the year. You're either along for the ride, or you're not part of it at all.

Here's to a great 2016 for not just myself, but for everyone.

We can all do better.

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