Thursday, October 13, 2011

kids, marriage, and treating people differently

I had a thought today after telling my other tech she wasn't allowed to use a tissue, which was actually a joke, so relax.

We react differently in certain situations depending on whether we like someone or not.

Think about it before you sit there and say it's a load of crap.

When you like someone and they ask you to borrow something or help them something, you're quick to help out.  When you don't like them, the response ranges from a disinterested dismissal of them to coming just short of completely telling them off.

How about some examples?  Sure, sounds good to me.

When someone you like wants you to help them:

Helpless in Portland: "Hey, I need a hand trying to move this table."

You: "Sure, I'll give you a hand."

When you don't like them:

Helpless in Portland: "Hey, can you come help me move this table?"

You: "Yeah, let me tell you what I'm not going to do.  Oh, and the weather in Portland sucks too."

You know it's true.  When you are cool with someone, you'll stop and pick up something for them on the way to hang out.  If they need you to give them a ride somewhere, you do.  When you aren't cool with someone, all you can think of is how big a freeloading waste of space they are and if nothing else, ignore them.

People in general are nicer to those that they like.  I for one have a very hard time being nice to someone I don't like.  If they're lucky, I'm indifferent towards them.

Most aren't very lucky.

It was just a thought I had.

Another thought that I've had a lot lately is the thought of Rachel and I getting married someday.  Now, we're not to the point where we've talked in great detail, but we've started to discuss the idea of it and while there are things that are scary about it, it also fits what we both want down the road, and that's an actual feeling of being part of a family.

I have to thank the myriad of questions I received for getting us to talk about something that we've both been thinking about.  See, a couple days ago I put up a post saying I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Rachel.  Immediately people started asking if wedding bells were in the future.  To clarify that I had NOT proposed (yet) to Rachel, I put a post up on Facebook saying that we were not engaged to be married.  This sparked a conversation between myself and Rachel where we discovered that both of us had actually been thinking about it already.

And I have.  While there isn't a timeframe on anything, the thought of being married to Rachel has been appealing.  We get along great, we very rarely have issues with one another, and we always have fun when we spend time together.  Add in that Payton seems to adore me and you have an ideal situation from my perspective.  So yes, I can see myself spending the rest of my life with her.

Now some will pop up and say "it's only been 4 months, isn't it too soon to think about it?"

I think the answer to that is it's not something you can put a timetable on.  You can't necessarily say in two years we'll be married, or that it would be wise to try to be married sooner than that.  The big thing we've agreed on is that we want to be able to comfortably afford a wedding before actually going through with it.   What that means is we may have a long engagement before actually going through with the wedding.

The biggest thing for me though isn't just how great Rachel treats me, it's how well Payton has responded to me.  The child is now to the point where I'm not allowed to leave and if I try, she tries to block the way.  Tuesday she did just that, getting upset and standing in front of the door when I went to leave.  Then she decided she was going with me to work instead.

Last night after the two of them arrived at my apartment, Payton was sitting at the kid table in my living room (yes mom, I'm bringing it soon I promise!) and I was in the bedroom.  After a minute, Rachel mentioned to me that I was being beckoned.  I listened, and sure enough I heard the distinct "Come here Dave, come here!" from the living room.

Later, I was required to lay on the floor with Payton while Rachel checked out halloween costumes.

***Column Intermission***

One of the coolest things about my new phone (MyTouch 4G Slide) is the ability to tether it to my computer and piggyback off the 4G when I don't have internet access at home.  I wasn't sure if it would work, but when I hooked my phone into my computer and finished setting up the driver, sure enough, my computer was live and I could browse just fine.

I'm absolutely astonished at what phones can do nowadays and this is just another one of those things.  That and having an amazing camera on it.

***End Intermission***

Then, when it was time for bedtime, I was required to lay on the floor next to Payton's bed while Rachel laid down in the bed with her.

That's one of the things that brings me a lot of joy.  Yeah, we should probably be working on breaking her of needing someone there for her to fall asleep, but there's something special about her needing me next to the bed when she goes to sleep.

That said, I think about it and realize I completely took being a kid for granted.  Sure, you had to go to school, but you didn't have bills, didn't have to go to work, and could play outside as much as you wanted (as long as you weren't in trouble).  Your responsibilities were limited at best.

Payton's life is something to be envious of.  People always want to play with her, she gets in trouble and is still adorable, and all it takes to make up for driving her mom crazy is a kiss on the cheek and an apology.  Hell, she even has her own Jeep that she drives like she owns the place.

Damn kids.  They always get to have all the fun.

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